We welcome wedding enquiries and love to help to make your day really special!
Please telephone the Vicar (see below) with your enquiries about weddings. We can agree a provisional date over the phone and arrange an early meeting to run through the legalities and confirm the booking.
In order to be eligible to be married in any Parish Church you will need to meet the various qualifying criteria. We will be very pleased to explore this with you but also provide a guide below.
St Matthew's is a modern building which provides an intimate, warm and friendly atmosphere.
Frequently asked questions
Question:- Am I eligible to be married in the Parish Church?
You need to have some kind of connection with St Matthew’s. By this we mean that one of you will need to qualify using one of the following five criteria:-
1. One of you, or your parents, is resident in the parish, or on the electoral role, or
2. One of you was baptised or prepared for confirmation in the parish, or
3. One of you, or your parents, has at any time lived in the parish for 6 months or more, or
4. One of you, or your parents has attended worship in the parish church for 6 months, or
5. One of your parents or grandparents was married in one of the parish churches, or
Question:- What paperwork will be required?
If you were born on or after 1st January 1983 then we shall need each party to show us a valid UK (or EEA) passport (valid at the date of the wedding).
If you were born before 1st January 1983 we shall require either a valid UK passport, or other supporting documentation. (please ask for details).
Question:- Do I have to believe in God?
Provided that you are eligible, you are welcome to marry in the Church of England whatever your beliefs, whether or not you are Christened and regardless of whether you go to church or not. It's your church, and we welcome you!
Question:-What if one of us is divorced?
We are permitted to remarry divorcees in many circumstances so it may be worth your while enquiring further. We will need to talk about your past and see evidence of your divorce.
Question:- What will it cost?
The fees for a church wedding in these parishes for 2017 are £563 including the hire of an organist, and a verger. The fees are usually increased in line with inflation each year. (£65 reduction if no organist required).
Question:- How do I find out more?
Please do arrange to see one of our clergy about your wedding - we shall be delighted to do all we can to help. Just phone the vicar 01535 273758 to make an appointment. Or use the e-mail contact if you prefer. We are always pleased to help ………